Putting a Region

An edit mode is switched to a mode "Edit Region" by clicking a button "Edit Region" in a toolbox. An layout image is shown in the below figure. A 3D geomery for the spidery mesh is shown in the swatch window.

Edit Region

Fig. a edit mode "Edit Region"

Effective Mode for the below operations

ButtonEffective Edit Mode

Edit Region

Making and Editing a Region

For TiPiT v1.5, you can make a region with a rectangle by your dragging on the swatch window with middle button of the mouse. Then vertexes of a region is adjusted by a mouse-drag with a left button of the mouse.

Make Region

Making Regions

In the left image, a mesh with magenta color is a region created and selected. If the region is not selected, it has a default color for a region. In the default, a bottom edge of a region touchs with the ground (as a wall Floor) and the edge is drawn with a thick line.

Edit Region

Editing Regions

Then vertexes of a region is adjusted by a mouse-drag with a left button of the mouse. In the left image, all regions have been made and vertexes of all regions have been adjusted.

Check Region

Checking Regions

In the left image, there is a case connecting the same as an input Mask Image to an input Sample Image of TiPiT. You can also get this state by clicking a button "Switch Texure", several times.
In this state, you can easily check whether regions are put correctly.

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