Before Using TiPiT

Before your using TiPiT, you need to provide such trio of input images as the below table. This example is for learning the basic features of TiPiT without overlapping regions each other. The case with overlapping regions is explained in the last section.

Trio of Input Images

This section gives explanations about a simple case without overlaping regions each other. While, only a region has been put for two persons in center of the picture "Original Image" rough, because they are standing near each other. At first, you need to provide three images of "Original Image", "Mask Image" and "Background Image" as the below table.

Table. Trio of input images


original image

Original Image

For example, the left sample is an image of a picture painted by Vincent.V.Gogh. You need to provide a original image into that you want to fly-through or walk-through.

mask image

Mask Image

The left is a mask image for indicating areas put on regions in the original image. In this sample, persons and a part of stone wall is put on regions. because, they are standing on the ground. If they are not put on any region, they will be sticked on the ground.
Well, You may make a mask image by retouch tools (like a path tool of Adobe Photoshop) or a event "TravelMatte" of Maya Composer from the original image.

background image

Background Image

The left is a background image resulted from removing the areas put on the regions from the original image. Jast, there is not any big projection in the scene of the background image.
You may make a background image by retouch tool (like a stamp tool of Adobe Photoshop) or a Transfer Brush of Alias|Wavefront VizPaint2D from the original image.

Before using TiPiT, you need to provide a trio of images as the above table in a simple case, at least.

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