Edit Camera Path

TiPiT creates an animation by applying a keyframe feature of Maya Composer to camera parameters. TiPiT has event parameters with a channel type animated by the keyframes for a view position (View X, View Y, View Z), a traget position (Target X, Target Y, Target Z), a roll angle and a FOV angle of the camera.

TiPiT provides the below four modes for changing values of camara parameters by a mouse operetion on a swatch window.

Pan Camera

In a camera movement mode "Pan Camera", TiPiT pans a camera for an angle corresponding to a movement dragging a mouse on a swatch window as the blow figure. Then, values of a camera paramter resulted from the operation are set to the event parameters of TiPiT and Maya Composer will create the keyframe with a auto keyframe feature.

Fig. Paning a camera

Track Camera

In a camera movement mode "Track Camera", TiPiT tracks a camera for an distance corresponding to a movement dragging a mouse on a swatch window as the blow figure.
Then, values of a camera paramter resulted from the operation are set to the event parameters of TiPiT and Maya Composer will create the keyframe with a auto keyframe feature.

Fig. Tracking a camera

Dolly Camera

In a camera movement mode "Dolly Camera", TiPiT dollys a camera for an distance corresponding to a movement dragging a mouse on a swatch window as the blow figure.
The camera will go ahead or back. Don't forget that a dolly is different from the blow zoom. Normally, the zoom provides only a maginification or a reduction of a result image.
Then, values of a camera paramter resulted from the operation are set to the event parameters of TiPiT and Maya Composer will create the keyframe with a auto keyframe feature.

Fig. Dollying a camera

Zoom Camera

In a camera movement mode "Zoom Camera", TiPiT changes a FOV angle of the camera for an angle corresponding to a movement dragging a mouse on a swatch window as the blow figure.
Then, values of a camera paramter resulted from the operation are set to the event parameters of TiPiT and Maya Composer will create the keyframe with a auto keyframe feature.

Fig. Zooming a camera

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